Thursday, September 6, 2012

The idea of sales of the day...

It's always a question on how to promote one's shop and get the most traffic.  One of the Etsy teams I belong to, Promoting Creative Friends, tries just about everything to promote it's team members and help to increase sales levels. 

This week, a couple of the shops have started "Sales of the Day" in which we fairly heavily discount an item each day for a period of one day.  Do deals like this encourage you to check out a new shop?  Yesterday was the first day of the promotion and I puchased an item from one of the shops with a great deal.  Here's today's item from my shop Pink and Black "love in many fonts" card.  The paper used in creating this card is my own custom paper which I call "Love in Many Fonts".
Today's photo is one of our lake - Windy Lake - during a late summer sunset a few years ago.  

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